There are some truly adventurous caches out there. You might have to climb a tree above where your ladder can reach, swim the ocean, crawl up a stormwater pipe, explore a cave, paddle up a river, get hung upside down in a manhole, go underwater, or abseil down a mountain to get that elusive smiley. In February we celebrated geocaching adventures by asking for nominations for your Favourite Caching Adventure is.
The Cache of the Month for February goes to an awesome adventure down in Mossel Bay called St Blaize Sea Cave by local legend TEAM SCHUTTE of Up the Rabbit Hole fame. The cache is done as part of a series of caches along the 13km St Blaze Trail between Mossel Bay and Dana Bay. You can do it on its own, but it would still be a 5km return walk, so come prepared.
The Cache of the Month for February goes to an awesome adventure down in Mossel Bay called St Blaize Sea Cave by local legend TEAM SCHUTTE of Up the Rabbit Hole fame. The cache is done as part of a series of caches along the 13km St Blaze Trail between Mossel Bay and Dana Bay. You can do it on its own, but it would still be a 5km return walk, so come prepared.